Doctors prescribe the Abortion Pill (RU-486/Mifepristone) within the first seven to ten weeks of pregnancy. Mifepristone is a drug that blocks the effects of progesterone—a hormone your body needs to grow a healthy baby. Mifepristone blocks the essential nutrients, therefore leading to the death of the developing baby, the embryo or fetus. It’s important for a woman considering a chemical abortion to be apprised of the potential side effects and risks of Mifepristone and Misoprostol which can vary from woman to woman. Below are some potential side effects.

  • Severe: Uterine cramps, stomach cramps and severe bleeding- seek medical attention immediately.
  • Less Severe: Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high blood pressure, lethargy, joint pain, fluid retention in limbs
  • Infrequent but possible: Severe infection and chills
  • Infrequent Less Severe: Vaginal inflammation/infection, insomnia and fever

The 1st Pill - Mifepristone-oral

  • A doctor will give a woman considering chemical abortion a physical exam, which will determine if she is eligible for this type of chemical abortion procedure. A woman is not eligible if she has any of the following: ectopic pregnancy, ovarian mass, IUD, corticosteroid use, adrenal failure, anemia, bleeding disorders or use of blood thinners, asthma, liver or kidney problems, heart disease, or high blood pressure.
  • To prevent infection, she may be given antibiotics.
  • During her first office visit she will take an oral dose of mifepristone.

The 2nd Pill - Misoprostol

  • You will take Misoprostol tablets orally or inserted vaginally about 36 to 72 hours after taking the mifepristone. The tablets cause contractions and expel the remains of the baby. This process may take a few hours or as long as a few days.
  • The woman will need an examination by her doctor two weeks later to ensure the abortion was complete and to check for complications.

The procedure is unsuccessful approximately 5-10% of the time, potentially requiring an additional surgical abortion procedure to complete the termination. Often Abortion Pill Providers will not tell you there exists an opportunity to save your baby if you regret having taken the RU-46 Pill. The Abortion Pill Reversal is the protocol used to reverse the effects of RU-486. For further information see (877.558.0333)

See more information in blog under Abortion information.